Monthly Archives: August 2018

Loose Covers for sofa

Loose Coves made for a Sofa

Our customer requested loose covers for her sofa. The requirements were: very simple covers, no piping, and no skirt. Below are the results, I think this style works well with the simple yet chic fabric choice and the pleasing lines of the sofa.

Loose Covers for a sofa

Looks rather ‘French chic’ I think.

Tub chairs - befor and after

Tub Chairs – before and after

You see these chairs often.  If the frame is good – and due to the structural shape they usually are – these are a great basis to make your own bespoke bedroom or occasional chair – I have one in my office.

Our customer decided on this lovely blue that really looks great.

Tub chairs - befor and after

Before on the left by the way 🙂

1930's Fluted back chairs

1930’s Fluted Back sofa

We often talk here about the value of buying older quality furniture and restoring it to your style and taste.

This 1930’s Fluted back sofa is a perfect example. With a matching pair of chairs.

Our customer selected the combination of carved and plain high-quality velore to create a stunning one-off showpiece that you can sit on and look at to enjoy.  And of course, if you were to order a new version of this quality the total investment will be about double.

1930's flute backed sofa

1930's Fluted back chairs

Just amazing!

Chaise - black with white

Victorian chaise lounge

Our customer purchased this Victorian chaise at auction and we collected it for her.  On inspection, it had been reupholstered in the past but probably fifty years ago. So some restoration work was required to resume the chaise back to how it was when new.

Our customer had a vision of an art deco look fabric in black with white highlights.  She selected the Linwood fabric with snow braid and we think it looks stunning.

chaise lounge - black with white