We often talk with customers who want to update or change the fabric on a chair or sofa.
The hurdle often can be the price. It costs more to reupholster say a Next Interiors or Laura Ashley chair than it does to buy a new one. The great thing about the likes of Next Interiors or Laura Ashley is that they are ‘on-trend’ and the fabrics used are very lovely to look at. The negative is that they are made to a price and probably mass produced in China or India – nothing wrong with that as it gives us a great deal – but they are made to a price and engineered to last just a few years with average use.
For value for money and a piece of furniture that will last much longer your better off buying an older quality chair and investing in a restoration of your design.
Here is an example of a fairly standard traditional wingback chair restored and updated with an ‘on-trend’ fabric. Costs a bit more, take a little more time to instigate but made to your style using British craftsmen and quality fabrics. There is no other like it!